Friday, 29 June 2007

Smoking in Company Cars - enforcing the ban!

With the 1st July just around the corner the increased emphasis on smoking, or not smoking is further distracting boardrooms around the country. If you work for or run a smaller business it is also most likely that you are going to fall foul of the new laws.

The likelihood of 'getting away with it' is not yet known however just driving down the M62 you can spot a company run vehicle a mile off, it won't be difficult to pick up the typical Mondeo Man as he puffs away in fast lane.

The law states that it is the employers responsibility to enforce the ban, meaning that firms need to have clear policies set out and presented to drivers. I know of one large fleet that charges their drivers up to £2000 if there is even a whiff that a car has been smoked in.

Simple things like placing No Smoking Stickers cars and vans (at least 70mm in diameter!) are a start and our customers receive theirs in the post.

It would be really interesting to find out how you are coping with the no smoking ban in all aspects of running your business, maybe we can help each other!!

1 comment:

Simon Wharton said...

Anthony such is the power of blogs. Found yours through Robs. And it just so happens that we have a client who does legal stuff and have a video commentary on their site smoking ban briefing
And strangely enough, I need to speak to someone about vehicle leasing.
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