Friday, 2 November 2007

Grey Fleets - A Bunch of Similar Colour Cars

Fleet News is having a real debate about the UK's growing 'Grey Fleet' problem. Believe it or not the reason for the Transport Minister's safety concerns is nothing to do with the colour of the cars on the road!!

The fact is that more than ever employees are using their own vehicles for use at work. So be it popping round the corner to pick the post up or travelling the UK for appointments using your own car for work purposes could be getting bosses in trouble!!

In a nutshell management is responsible for employee safety, this includes whilst out and about on work duty. Businesses who provide cars for staff tend to be on top of this a lot more than those who don't. Hence the new founded safety calls. So no matter who pays for the car - it needs to be checked, adequately insured and roadworthy!! Take note!

Click here for the Full Story

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