Thursday, 27 November 2008

Sole Supply and Why It Pays To Use a Broker

News emerged today that Alphabet leasing are changing their business plan for 2009, resulting in them pitching for less business and honoring existing contracts only. The reasons behind this include access to funding and an almost certain price increase full story

Existing clients may now be inclined to to shop the market and see just how competitive current suppliers really are. We've noticed increased price sensitivity in the market which is opening up the medium to larger fleets to be more receptive to our message. "We shop the market whilst you benefit from sole supply service".

Rates are changing on a daily basis for some funders, some (to remain nameless) are literally pricing themselves out of the market for new business whilst passing increasing prices on to existing clients. If you know anyone who could benefit from a market analysis from Anthony K we'll happily show them comparative figures from our broad range of finance partners to demonstrate the savings which can be made using a reputable broker (like us!)

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