Friday 22 June 2007

Confusing Industry!!!

It appears that the Company Car is still up there amongst the top 'perks' amongst employees in the UK.

Despite the increasing personal tax issues which have in recent years driven people out of company cars the business market is still outperforming the retail sector for new registrations.

In some sectors 77% of businesses still offer a Company Vehicle with some positions which is quite phenomenal!! How many of these vehicles are for the necessary business travel compared to perk vehicles is not clear. However it seems to be the larger fleets getting larger and taking advantage of the competitive market place. We are noticing that even these large users are doing a little bit of extra shopping to see what deals are available. I even read somewhere that one small public sector fleet of 30 cars was tendered out to 25 suppliers for EVERY vehicle!! What a complete waste of time!!!

We are lucky enough to be getting more and more involved in dealing with some larger fleets they open up to the multi-supply channels. Our main advantage is that we deal with all the best leasing companies anyway - so they only speak to me but are getting the most suitable deal from up to 8 different quotes per vehicle. Magic!!!

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